LG Solar Chem

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LG Energy Storage System batteries are world-class, sought-after Li-ion NMC batteries. They have a nominal storage capacity of 9.8kWh. The storage capacity of the system can be increased to up to 19.6 kWh if a second battery is added. The useable capacity is 9.3kWh for one unit and 18.6kWh for two. The voltage range of the battery is 350 ~ 450V DC.

The complete LG RESU battery range including the new Prime battery series - Image credit LG

Change Your Energy. Charge Your Life

How LG Chem Battery Works. Comparison for Day and Night use of utilities.

Compact And Simple

The RESU is a compact, lightweight energy storage solution with simplified inverter connections for easy installation.

Proven Safety

LG batteries use the same trusted technology found in their automotive batteries and are fully certified to meet global safety standards.

Powerful Performance

The RESU series boasts an impressive 95% continuous and DC round trip efficiency, a top-of-the-industry performance.